Scripture Memory Fellowship

Scripture Memory Fellowship


If you’re like most homeschool parents, you want to raise your kids to know Christ and embrace a biblical worldview. After all, a biblical worldview cannot exist apart from a deep and wide knowledge of God’s words.

1) Why Should You Memorize Scripture with Your Children?

——-The Bible Commands It——-
  • Deuteronomy 6:6-7 says, “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”
——-Your Children Need It——-
  • Your children will face many challenging issues throughout their lives. Scripture is the best protection against Enemy forces and the fallen society that rages around them.

2) When Should You Start?

——-It’s Never too Early——-
  • Our littlest children learn from observing every little thing we do throughout the day! When Scripture memory becomes a way of life for your family, it becomes a way of life for your children.
——-It’s Never too Late——-
  • We are continuously learning creatures and God made us this way. That’s why Scripture Memory Fellowship has spent the last four decades developing memory programs for every age and experience level.

Memorizing Scripture is one of the most worthwhile ways to spend time. By hiding God’s Word in your heart, you’ll be well-prepared for the day of adversity (Psa. 119:92), well-equipped to share the Gospel (Rom. 10:17), and well-guarded against sin (Psa. 119:11). But we’re guessing you already know that!

For most parents, the challenge isn’t believing Scripture memory is worthwhile; it’s figuring out where to start and how to make real, consistent progress.
That’s where SMF comes in!

Resource #1

Resource #1

50% Off The 14:6 Course: Embrace a Biblical Worldview With Color-Coded Verses, Study Questions, and Real-World Applications Well-Suited for Use with Any Homeschool Family or Co-op.

Resource #2

Resource #2

50% Off The ABC Memory Book: Our Most Popular Preschool Resource to Guide Your Little Ones Through Their Letters and Their Memory Verses.